Brands and Their Strategies on Social Media

In 2019, some brands are still trying to find their voices on social media. Many brands use distinct personalities to stand out while others play it straight to interact with consumers. Brands like Wendy’s, Starbucks, Netflix, sports teams like the Dallas Stars and the Los Angles Kings create memorable content and moments for consumers on Twitter. Some brands decide to just be straight forward with customers by telling them about events coming up or product launches.

This listicle will provide an analysis of what strategies have succeeded, which have failed and what can be learned from various attempts. This listicle will also look at campaigns and promotions that can be replicated or should be avoided by companies in the future.

#1 The power of “like”: How brands reach (and influence) fans…

This piece advocates for various ways brands should be trying to interact with consumers mainly on Facebook. It suggests with looking for ways to find friends of fans on the social network and marketing towards them to further the brand’s cause. This piece also tries to measure the value of a fan on Facebook.

#2 The Effects of Pranks in Social Media on Brands

This journal entry discusses if pranks are a good idea for brands to execute. This piece argues that brands could see customers sympathize with those being pranked in a video or photo especially if they do not have prior brand usage. This entry also discusses how to find a ROI with humor online especially with social media.

#3 Framing social media communication

This journal entry examines the tone that some brands (like the aforementioned Netflix) take with consumers online. It also searches for ways that consumers interpret content posted and how likely they are to react in a positive way. Finally, it looks at how to appeal to consumers and make them more likely to interact further.

#4 “Don’t pretend to be my friend!”

This article examines what can go wrong when brands try to take an informal tone with consumers. The one key that is noticeable throughout this article is when brands either aren’t trusted or don’t have a substantial reputation to fall back on. The method used in this piece also shows what words should be used and avoided when adapting an informal tone with consumers.

#5 Would You Be My Friend?

This article searches for ways that brands search for strategies that seem to personify them. It also tries to find a way in which these strategies are successful in communicating with consumers. Finally, this post examines the underlying themes of how consumers communicate with these “friendly” brands.

#6 Does culture matter in effectiveness of social media marketing?

This entry aims to find if various cultures play a role in how brands communicate on social media. This post also tries to determine if loyalty and brand recommendations are affected by cultural factors. Finally this piece recommends examining countries that are similar in the ways they consume content so that specific postings can be tailored to multiple audiences.

#7 Using message strategy to drive consumer behavioral engagement

This journal examines transformational message strategy and how that strategy can elicit responses from consumers on social media. This piece also finds a few posting strategies that should be used less based on research and lack of significant testing.

#8 The globalization of social media

In addition to showing the inevitability of social media going global, this post also shows examples of how consumers like the option of crafting their relationship with brands. Catering to consumers wants and needs is necessary in 2019 and this entry shows why it’s important.

#9 Watch Your Tone

This piece examines the links between a social media tone and consumers purchase intentions. The author also searches for connections between human tones and the effects they may have on various subsections of customers. Finally this piece suggests different tones for different scenarios.

#10 How Should You Tweet

This article looks at how brands should adjust their tones during times of crisis and how familiarity and trust play a factor in this time. Corporate crisis communication is also considered during this entry as something that should be implemented by brands.

#11 Beyond Bedlam: How Consumers & Brands Alike Are Playing the Web

This entry examines the rules, mostly unofficial, that are adhered to on social media especially those between consumers and brands. This piece also highlights constant creativity on social media and how social media can become a game for both parties if played a certain way.

#12 Creative Strategies in Social Media Marketing

Top brands were examined for this post to see how strategies stacked up against one another. Certain messages were looked at to see if they worked or why they didn’t. This study also looked at frequency and having frequent postings to see what worked and what didn’t.


Author: Morgan

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